The ASC Office is the executive arm of the Commission. It gives advice and service to ASC schools and implements the policy decisions of the Commission. It negotiates arrangements with government and other agencies and administers government-funded programs. ASC schools are co-educational communities of excellence and educational centres of caring.
Most ASC schools offer a comprehensive Kindergarten to Year 12 education. They deliver excellence in education, stressing high achievement in traditional academic subjects, balanced by comprehensive co-curricular and vocational programs. These programs are underpinned by core Christian values and teaching in the time-honoured Anglican tradition. Pastoral care and social justice are central to each school’s outworking of the Christian faith within its community.
The ASC provides policy direction and support in the areas of finance and budgeting, industrial relations and capital development. We also provide the curriculum framework and professional development for Religious Studies, assisting teachers to develop meaningful and engaging programs for students.
We work closely with local communities, parish churches, government, property developers and the wider corporate sector to plan new schools in growth areas throughout Western Australia.
Our website will enable you to learn more of the work of the Anglican Schools Commission, access key policies and documents, and find out about each of our schools and Anglican Schools Commission International.
The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM
BA (Theology), BEcon, DipEd, MEd Leadership, FACE, FAIM, AMACEA, GAICD
Mr Ivan McLean
MSc, BSc, DipEd, DipMgt
Mr Joseph Pascuzzi
BBus (Accountancy), CA
Director of Anglican Identity
The Reverend Dr Eleanor O'Donnell
.PhD, BTh (Hons), GradDipEd
Director of Capital Projects
Mr Franzl Shannon
GAICD, Registered Building Practitioner
Director of Teaching and Learning
Ms Kathryn Paul
BA (Ed), BEd
Ian Parr
Director of Technology
Mr Shane Parnell
BSc, GradDipEd
Director of Communications
Ms Jade Casotti
BCom (Public Relations), BA (Sociology)
Director of International
Mr Peter Byrne
BSc, GradDipEd
Director of Risk and Compliance
Mrs Karen Potts