All Saints Anglican School

principal's welcome


Welcome to All Saints Anglican School. I am thrilled to be a part of this new community as we establish and grow Shepparton’s first Anglican School. 

Our School opens in Term 1, 2024 and it’s exciting to be part of the journey to build a new School community.

I look forward to meeting our students and their families, to introducing our new teaching staff, and to welcoming you all to our school in Shepparton North early next year.

Mr Jim Laussen, Principal

building progress

If you drive past our school site, you will see the School’s three main buildings under construction. The two-storey Administration building at the front left of the site, includes the Middle School classrooms on the first floor. The Junior School building on the right will host students from Prep to Year 4, and at the back left is the STEAM Centre (science,technology, engineering, arts and mathematics).

We are pleased to report that our buildings are on schedule and we continue to work assuredly towards our Term 1, 2024 opening. 


Keep up to date with all the news and progress on our new school. 

watch our school grow

We’re hard at work building Stage 1 of All Saints Anglican School. Have a look at the photos and follow our progress as we get ready to open for Term 1, 2024.

enrolments update

Enrolments are strong for 2024 and beyond, with many classes now reaching capacity.           In particular, classes for Year 7 in 2024 are nearly full with limited spaces available.  

Apply now by completing our Registration of Interest in Enrolment Form. Each application includes a non-refundable $55 registration fee per child. Enrolments can be made for students eligible to enter studies in Preparatory to Year 7 from 2024.

After registering your interest, your family will be contacted by the School’s Enrolment Officer to arrange a time to meet with Principal Jim Laussen. A formal offer is made after this process. The countdown is on as we look forward to welcoming your child to All Saints Anglican School.

2024 Fees and Charges are available here

Any additional queries can be sent to


All Saints Anglican School is named in honour of all the saints of Christianity. The School crest is white and green. White is the liturgical colour for All Saints Day and green represents nature and growth, reflecting the Shepparton region as an important agricultural and horticultural hub.

All Saints Anglican School is Shepparton’s first Anglican school. The School is currently under construction on our 16-hectare site on Verney Road in Shepparton North, and will open for Term 1, 2024. The School will start as a Prep to Year 7 School and expand to cater for students from Preparatory to Year 12 by 2029. The school will be co-educational and low-fee. Our schools are inclusive and diverse communities, where students of all faiths and none are warmly welcomed.

The Anglican Schools Commission has schools across Australia, including two nearby in Wangaratta and Cobram. We’re committed to investing in the Greater Shepparton community, creating local jobs during the construction phases and employing around 150 staff when the school reaches capacity.


school statement of values

 Democratic Principles

All Saints Anglican School adheres to the principles of Australian democracy, these being:

The programs of, and teaching in, a registered school must support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to—

  1. elected government; and
  2. the rule of law; and
  3. equal rights for all before the law; and freedom of religion; and
  4. freedom of speech and association; and
  5. the values of openness and tolerance.

Nothing in this clause is intended to affect the rights accorded to, or the compliance with any obligation imposed on, a registered school under a law of the State or of the Commonwealth.

Schedule 4 clause 1 of the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017

Frequently asked questions

What kind of extra support do we have for children on the spectrum or with learning difficulties?

All ASC schools have learning support for students with individual needs.  The number of staff working with children with additional needs and the level of support provided is based on the needs of the school community each year.

Will the school have more of an academic focus or will there be more hands-on options for electives in the subsequent years?

The development of the curriculum, subject offerings and pathways will be developed by the Principal, together with his staff.  The options and pathways available for the community will be designed to meet the needs of our students and community. To cater to the interests and needs of our students, we will offer a VCE curriculum with opportunities for other senior school pathways.

Do students have to choose religious subjects as the VCE subject?

Religious Studies (Religious and Value Education (RAVE) is part of the ASC curriculum from Prep to Year 12, however, it will be offered as a optional VCE subject.  Students are required to join in the School’s Chapel and Religious Studies lessons.

What language will be offered?

The Principal will determine all subjects offered under the curriculum. At this time the second language offering has not been determined.  All ASC schools have language programs, with French, Indonesian, Chinese, German being some of the languages taught at our schools.

What sort of music program will there be?

A specialist music room is being built as part of the Stage 1 building program in 2023.  The design of this program, including other Performing Arts areas will be undertaken by the Principal and staff next year.

Do you have advancement programs for the higher achieving children?

This is a challenging question to answer as enhancement, gifted and talented, extension programs are all different and schools approach them in different ways.  All students have  a range of talents and we will provide extension programs to meet the needs of our students.  These programs will also be developed by the new Principal with his staff.

Will there be enough space/infrastructure for the elective subjects to run?

The first stage has been designed to provide facilities for library, art, music, science, hospitality, and technology which will enable all our programs to be provided.  Our sports program will also be able to be provided with the sporting facilities available.  The actual elective program will be developed by the Principal and his staff.

Will the classrooms be set up in a traditional or open learning plan style?

The contemporary classrooms enable flexibility and will be set up to provide a range of learning outcomes.

Will we be partnering with other schools or communities for use of ovals and sporting facilities?

We will be partnering with local organisations for some facilities, until they are provided on site. These partnerships will be developed in 2023.

What sort of incursions and excursions will there be?

These will be developed by the Principal and his staff to meet the educational needs of the students.

Is there any provision for before and after school care?

We have allocated a space in the primary school building for an after school care program as part of the Stage 1 build so we are planning on offering this from the start of 2024. The Principal will determine what programs will be offered in 2024 and will work with the community to meet the needs of our families

Will the building works be completed in time for the start of the 2024 school year?

Hansen Yuncken is currently constructing Stage 1 of the School. Hansen Yuncken is a national construction company with 100 years of experience delivering projects in regional Victoria.

Building works are well underway with the Administration buildng and Junior School building under construction. We are confident we can meet the construction timelines in 2023. If difficulties occur, we will prioritise the building program to ensure classrooms will be ready.

Buses, will it be dependent on demand for other town areas?

Initial contacts have indicated all school buses will be available to All Saints students.  More work on this area will be undertaken during the year and families will be informed as this information becomes available

Details are still to be confirmed but we are confident our students will be able to access the bus networks.

All Saints Anglican School is well located on Verney Road on a well established school bus route between two existing schools.

What outside play spaces will be provided in Stage 1?

The significant building program for Stage 1 includes a soccer pitch sized sportsground, playgrounds and numerous spaces for students to play.

When will the oval be finished?

The oval is part of the Stage 2 building program with completion currently planned for 2026. This may be bought forward depending on budgets.

In the early phases, are there plans to have safe spaces to segregate younger to older students?

A range of play spaces will be available as part of the Stage 1 build.  All ASC schools develop child safe practices rather than segregating students.  Often younger and older students play in adjacent spaces.  As the school grows to include secondary students, additional spaces will be developed for these age groups.

Will the footpath down Verney Road be built as part of Stage 1?

The footpath on Verney Road from the school’s southern boundary to Trinity Drive will be constructed during 2023.  An additional footpath from the school’s southern boundary to Warrrumbungle Drive will be completed at a date yet to be determined

How many students will be enrolled in each year group?

We have the capacity for single classes in all junior levels and three classes in Year 7 in our foundation year.

As the school grows based on our building program, the school will be able to cater to an increased number of students.  Eventually the school will have two classes in all junior levels and four classes in each senior level.

Is there a maximum number of students in each class?

The ASC has a Workloads Policy for all our schools, which includes class sizes. There are maximum student numbers for different year groups, and in senior school, this is subject dependent. For example, electives may have smaller class sizes.

When it comes to enrolling your child, for subsequent children will they have to attend the original interview process?

To ensure we meet the needs of all students an interview will take place for each child.  It is the intention of the new Principal. Jim Laussen, to meet all students and families in the second half of 2023

Are the school fees set, or will they increase due to the cost of building?

The 2024 published fees are set and families can plan knowing this will not change due to increased building costs.  In most schools, fees have recently increased by 3%-4%.  Families can expect there to be small fee increases in 2025 and beyond.  Fee increases are set by the ASC and not dependent on local conditions eg. increased building costs.

Do you have any backup plan if there is a shortage of teaching staff in Victoria?

We acknowledge the current staff shortage in education and these shortages will continue for the next few years.  We plan to be an employer of choice and we are confident we will be able to attract foundation staff to meet all our needs.  It will be role of the new Principal to select staff.

When can we meet the Principal?

We will conduct information sessions, including ‘Meet the Principal’, when Jim Laussen commences his appointment in April.

Is there any prerequisite or encouragement for staff to be of Anglican Faith?

We encourage all staff to explore their own faith journey, but we do not require our staff to be practicing Anglicans.  We will work hard to employ staff who share the values, goals and the vision for our school in this region.  All staff need to support All Saints’ vision and values and actively participate in our programs.

Where will the jobs be advertised?

We will advertise locally and in a range of online platforms.  We will also develop a database of interested people where they can express interest in future employment.


The Anglican Schools Commission is a strong system of schools, providing ongoing support for our existing schools and developing new schools across Victoria and beyond. 

Regional Victoria is an area of priority for the Anglican Schools Commission. We are the education provider to the Diocese of Wangaratta, with schools in Cobram and Wangaratta, and another school just over the border in Albury.

As the major population centre of the region, with projected future population growth, Shepparton is a natural choice for a new school. We aim to provide a high quality schooling option for families in Shepparton and surrounding communities.

The Anglican Schools Commission has purchased a 16-hectare site at 320 Verney Road in Shepparton North, approximately 6km from the Shepparton town centre. The site is easily accessible by the school bus network.

Over the next decade or so, we plan to invest around $50 million into building our Shepparton school. The new school will educate students from Prep to Year 12, opening in 2024*. Growth will be staged, starting with Prep to Year 7 and increasing by a year level annually until 2029. 

Over the next two years we will plan and build the school ready to open in January 2024 for Prep to Year 7.

Tuition fees in 2024 are between $3500-$3900 per year in primary years. Tuition fees for students starting Year 7 in 2024 will be $5500 per year. View fees and charges here.


Need more information? Please reach out to Kat O’Brien on 1800 978 701 with any questions,or contact us at: